Wednesday, July 26, 2006

The Sale Of Awesomeness

.:Yes, I'm Selling My Games AND PSP Now!!!:.

You thought it wouldn't happen, but here it is!

I am selling the following ORIGINAL PSP games (With their boxes intact.) altogether for 20,000:

1. Dynasty Warriors
2. Dragonball Z Shin Budokai
3. X-Men Legends II
4. Prince Of Persia: Revelations
5. Smackdown vs. RAW 2006
7. NBA Street Showdown
8. NBA Live 06
9. NBA Ballers Rebound
10. MLB 06: The Show
11. Fight Night Round 3
12. Metal Gear Ac!d 2 (Will not come with Solid Eye attachment... sorry.)

That's 12 games, meaning you get each game for under 1,667 bucks apiece. Standard market price of PSP games are 2,500-3,500 bucks per UMD.

HOWEVER, if you want to purchase this AND my PSP, I'll sell the whole thing for 27,500. The important thing to note here is that I am also including a 512MB Sony Memory Stick for your gamesaves and whatnot. My PSP is in good condition, although some noticable scratches are present. Regardless, you are purchasing a unit for 7,500 bucks, about 4,500 bucks cheaper than it usually is, and those units don't even come with a memory card. The PSP is Japanese version, Firmware 2.6.

If you're interested, get in touch with me. I need the money. =)

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