Tuesday, October 25, 2005



Sacha has been homesick as of late, and so the Just Geeks League, at the behest of Tita Harvey, got together at the Chua residence (The JGL Watchtower. Lol.) to have a chat conference with her and just cheer her up.

Dominique was in Dumaguete, but he was still online with us. From the Chua residence, it was Tita Harvey, myself, Peppy, Ranulf, and Clair. It was quite amusing while we were trying to start the conference by setting up voice chat, Dom was audible on the line…

Dominique: Am I generating a lot of static, Sacha?

Even Clair found that to be a bit… wrong.

In any case, afterwards, we got to set up a haphazard connection, what with Yahoo voice rapidly connecting and disconnecting with us, to the point that we wondered what E-Bay was doing with Skype in the first place other than auctioning off good connections…

It was a very fun night, really. Lots of comedic times, and I was grateful to Clair for lending me a cane owned by Charo’s mom, which makes me grateful to Charo all the same.

The conversations with Sacha were choppy at best, but I hope she was still very happy, regardless…


I met up with Pomelo last Monday for dinner, and it was definitely an amazing meal filled with great company and corny jokes.

I think I’d rather leave the recounting of the corny jokes to her, but I know I had quite a few of them, mostly puns, to be honest. Wish I remembered some of them… heh.

We had dinner at Friday’s, as I made use of the gift certificates I got from the hosting gig I did the last time, and then we ordered something a bit more. We ended up having a lot of left-overs, considering how light an eater she could be…

I guess after all has been said and done, I was lost less in the good food and more in Pomelo’s eyes… it was a wonderful, wonderful date…

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