My article for the POC got published today. I hope you check it out! :D
.:Disenchanted Kingdom And Political Correctness Don’t Get Along:.
Marf, Logan, Cleo, Kel, and David from France. No, I wasn’t feeling any unusual amount of “pleasure” that morning.
Wow. That was just crazy. From lampooning French accents to making gay jokes to an endless stream of fat jokes, today’s DK was just packed with political incorrectness all the way! I don’t think we could’ve gotten any more vicious than we did this morning.
Couple this with some really hilariously bad jokes, Marf spouting John C. Maxwell as if he were possessed by the Sto. Nino, and funny moments as we “Countdown To Stepdown” for our beloved president, and you know that the show was just something else.
It was pretty cool running into a Frenchman by the name of David during the show this morning, really. I always wanted to ask how to properly pronounce Blaise Pascal’s “Le coeur a ses raisons que la raisons ne’ connait pas,” and I was told I was actually spot-on with my pronunciation. I like to keep a few good quotes in various language, and Blaise Pascal’s immortal quote is one of them.
There was even mention of maybe going to Camarines Sur and then biking to this other island, and how a non-biker like Cleo could either be carried piggyback or ride on the handlebars, ala most Korean movies out there.
Not a bad show to end the week, I guess
.:This Is Why Crissey Rocks!:.

Thanks, Crissey! You’re the absolute best!
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